Psychic Medium Readings with C.J. Sellers
Same day appointments Easy online booking Satisfaction Guarantee Spiritual Guidance Life path readings Inner healing Spiritual Messages

Throughout my career I have sought to educate myself and enhance my healing work through a variety of modalities and personal experience. From herbal medicine to Reiki, to metaphysics, to paranormal investigating, to self-behavioral modification, meditation, EFT etc, I have looked for ways to help me to help others using natural and spiritual means that bring long-term healing and positive results. All of those things I advise on have been in one form or another a part of my own life lessons, touching on something I have experienced and healed through so that I am speaking from a place of knowing, not merely parroting something I read about or heard about.
I am aware of my limitations, therefore I will be honest and say that should I not have the answer or should I feel an issue is best answered by someone with that specific knowledge and experience I will not attempt to overstep my boundaries. This ethic has worked well to satisfy the needs of my clients from all over the world and continues to be my work ethic today. I will do everything in my power to bring through positive, effective messages along with practical insight that aid in your happiness and well-being.
Psychic Medium CJ Sellers
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